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All loops available in Java (for, while, do-while) have a loop termination condition that would get executed during every iteration of the loop. Without checking the loop condition the loop cannot be terminated and hence avoiding the loop condition check during iteration is not logic and Java does not do it.

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Q: Which Loop avoids check at every iteration?
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Each repetition of a loop is known as a?

an iteration.

What looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop?

The do..while() loop tests the condition at the end of the loop. Therefore the loop body executes at least once. The while() loop (without do) tests the condition before entering the loop and before each iteration of the loop. The for() loop conditional expression is optional but, when specified, is tested before entering the loop and before each iteration of the loop.

What is non touching loop?

A non touching loop is where each iteration does not access data from a different iteration. An optimizing compiler/interpreter can detect this, and spread out the loop between different threads, potentially (with multiple processors) running the loop faster. An example of a non touching loop is the addition of two arrays. Each iteration accesses one element, and has no dependencies on elements accessed in different iterations. An example of a touching loop is the summation of elements in an array. Each iteration depends on the result of a different, usually the prior, iteration. Even there, however, the optimization process can spread the work out amongst different threads so long as there are synchronization mechanisms in place.

What is the difference between while loop and for loop in c computer language?

For while loop you have to define conditions for the loop in loop's body. In, "for loop" case it's more natural and comportable. For loop is good for numeric simulations in other words when you are using only numbers. Loop while is very good for symbolic conditions, for instance, to check the condition that char1 == char2;

What statement is used to skip the remainder of the body of a repetition structure and proceed with the next iteration of the loop?

The continue statement skips the remaining statements in the current iteration and execution proceeds with the iteration control statement for the next iteration.

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What is the difference between dowhile loop dountil?

A do-while loop checks its termination condition before each iteration, including the first; a do-until checks after each iteration, so that the first iteration occurs before the first check. The C language uses the word "while" for both types of loop, using the placement of the condition to control its timing:C do-while:while (condition) { /* condition checked before first loop iteration */... loop contents}C do-until:do {... loop contents} while (condition); /* condition not checked until after first loop iteration */

What is a do-while loop?

A while loop evaluates the conditional expression at the start of each iteration, whereas a do..while loop evaluates the conditional expression at the end of each iteration. Thus the do..while loop always executes at least one iteration.

When is Iteration used in a Java program?

in a loop

Each repetition of a loop is known as a?

an iteration.

What do you mean by check?

A loop check is a condition that is checked everytime a loop is executed. It is usually the condition that needs to match for the loop to terminate. Until this condition is matched the loop will continue to execute. Ex: for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { … } In the above for loop "i<10" is the loop check condition and this loop will execute until the value of i is less than 10. It starts at 0 and gets incremented by 1 everytime the loop completes an iteration of execution

What do you mean by loop check?

A loop check is a condition that is checked everytime a loop is executed. It is usually the condition that needs to match for the loop to terminate. Until this condition is matched the loop will continue to execute. Ex: for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { … } In the above for loop "i<10" is the loop check condition and this loop will execute until the value of i is less than 10. It starts at 0 and gets incremented by 1 everytime the loop completes an iteration of execution

What is while loop?

A do-while loop is a statement or series of statements that are executed at least once. At the end of each iteration, a conditional expression enclosed in a while() statement is evaluated to determine if the loop should start a new iteration or not.

What looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop?

The do..while() loop tests the condition at the end of the loop. Therefore the loop body executes at least once. The while() loop (without do) tests the condition before entering the loop and before each iteration of the loop. The for() loop conditional expression is optional but, when specified, is tested before entering the loop and before each iteration of the loop.

What is non touching loop?

A non touching loop is where each iteration does not access data from a different iteration. An optimizing compiler/interpreter can detect this, and spread out the loop between different threads, potentially (with multiple processors) running the loop faster. An example of a non touching loop is the addition of two arrays. Each iteration accesses one element, and has no dependencies on elements accessed in different iterations. An example of a touching loop is the summation of elements in an array. Each iteration depends on the result of a different, usually the prior, iteration. Even there, however, the optimization process can spread the work out amongst different threads so long as there are synchronization mechanisms in place.

What are the differences between iterations and loops in progamming?

A loop will loop for n iterations. Each times the program executes the code in the loop is an iteration.

What is the difference between while loop and for loop in c computer language?

For while loop you have to define conditions for the loop in loop's body. In, "for loop" case it's more natural and comportable. For loop is good for numeric simulations in other words when you are using only numbers. Loop while is very good for symbolic conditions, for instance, to check the condition that char1 == char2;

What statement is used to skip the remainder of the body of a repetition structure and proceed with the next iteration of the loop?

The continue statement skips the remaining statements in the current iteration and execution proceeds with the iteration control statement for the next iteration.