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The Spanish conquered the Aztec, Inca, and Maya civilization. The Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes and 800 men landed in Mexico in the 1500s and conquered the Aztec leader Montezuma and his people. Similarly, the Inca in Peru were vanquished by Francisco Pizarro in 1532. The Maya people had there codices, books, towns, and homes destroyed by the Spaniards as they advanced through Central America. The Maya lived in areas that extended from Mexico to Honduras.

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Q: Which South American empires were destroyed by the Spanish?
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Why were the conquistadors able to conquer the Aztec and Inca empires so rapidly?

While the Spanish did have better weapons and horses, there were two other main things that allowed them to conquer the central American and south American civilizations. For the Aztecs, one major thing that permitted them to be conquered was that they believed that Hernando Cortes was one of their gods returning to them, and so they did not challenge him until it was too late. For all of the civilizations, the main thing that destroyed them was European diseases. The Central and South American civilizations had never been introduced to the diseases that were common in Europe and therefore, had no antibodies or cures for them. Millions of the Native people were killed of because of these diseases and it gave the Spanish a very large advantage.

Who destroyed the spanish armanda?

The English fleet, under Drake, destroyed the Spanish Armada, with a lot of help from our typically British stormy weather in the English Channel and the North Sea. It was this stormy weather that scattered the Spanish fleet, and forced them to take the long way round the top of Scotland, before they could head south with many Spanish ships floundering or being blown onto the rocks.

What sea did Admiral George Dewey the destroy the spanish fleet?

Dewey engaged and destroyed the Spanish Fleet in Manila Bay in the Philippines; the westward side of Luzon island where it is located adjoins the South China Sea.

What was Simon Bolivar role in the independent movement in the Spanish colonies?

He was the leader of the spanish revolution

Who were the leading figures of the south American revolutions and what did they accomplish?

Jose De San Martin and Bernardo O'Higgins. They accomplished defeating the Spanish by forcing out the Spanish and organized an army.

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What language and religion seem to dominate the nations south of the United states?

Countries south of United States, Mexico, Central American countries and South American countries are old colonies of Spanish and Portuguese Empires. That's for they speak Spanish in most of the Central and South America, but Portuguese in Brazil. All the countries are mostly catholic, because of their catholic mothercountries. The Spanish conquistadors conquered the lands from Native Americans, of most notables were aztecs and incas. Mayan civilization collapsed before the Europeans came to America. The Native American religions were suppressed, although there are Native American population majorities in some South American countries, like Peru.

Why are South American countries catholic?

the same readon south American speak spanish Spain

Was Atahualpa Spanish?

Atahuallpa was not Spanish he was an Inca, so south american.

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He was referring to the forces of communism and the idea that they had to be contained. The American foreign policy from that time forward was centered on this idea and resulted American actions in Southeast Asia and South America.

Which is the biggest south American country where spanish is not spoken?

Most South American countries speak Spanish. Brazil is the largest country in South America and Portuguese is their primary language. Making them the largest non Spanish language group in South America

Describe the effect of the spanish people on south America?

south American people spoke spanish because it was their inheritage

What are the official languages of south American countries?


What was the primary difference between the Spanish and Portuguese empires?

The primary difference between the Spanish and Portuguese empires was their geographical focus and their colonial strategies. The Spanish empire focused on the Americas, particularly Central and South America, while the Portuguese empire focused on maritime exploration and colonization in Africa, Asia, and Brazil. The Portuguese established a vast trading network, while the Spanish sought to extract valuable resources, such as gold and silver, from their American colonies.

What is Chile culture?

Chile's culture is a mix of European, Spanish, and Native South American cultures.

How do you say the South American in spanish?

Translation: el sudamericano

What languages are spoken in south American?

Officially, Portuguese and spanish.

What South American country speaks Portuguese not Spanish?
