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Q: Which Southeast Asian countries did the US used to control?
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Why Is terracing used in Southeast Asian agriculture?

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Compare and contrast the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia?

Southeast Asia refers to all of the countries lying on the Indian plate and being bordered by the Himalayan mountains to the north. The Indian subcontinent was a term used during the British empire which refers to all the countries colonized by Britain.

How does Chen Tonghai see the role of Sinopec?

in the development of natural gas resources. Chen cited the good relations Sinopec had developed with African and central and southeast Asian countries and the cooperative efforts it had used with Western oil companies

What is the term for passing motion?

This is a term used in Asian countries to mean defecate.

What is banig?

A banig is a traditional woven mat made from natural materials such as bamboo, rattan, or pandan leaves. It is commonly used in Southeast Asian countries like the Philippines for sleeping, sitting, or as a rug. Banigs are known for their durability, versatility, and intricate designs.

Is there a calendar for Buddhism?

The Buddhist calendar is a calendar for Buddhism and is used in some countries in Southeast Asia.

Where is dowry still used in the world today?

India, Pakistan and South Asian countries

Rice is an example of what type of food in southeast Asia?

ya i guess so because rice is nearly used in almost every Asian dish

Why is turmeric essential to cooking in Asian countries when its tasteless?

It is used for it's yellow color, primarily.

Which countries were pictographs used in?

Pictographs were mostly used in China but the were also used in Egypt, India basically almost all of Asia. Pictographs were used in China, Egypt and India mostly pictographs were used in Asian countries.

What is cymbopogon citrates?

Cymbopogon citratus is commonly known as lemon grass or oil grass. It is an edible plant from Southeast Asia used in a wide variety of Asian dishes.