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It depends on the mass of the star. The lower the mass, the longer it will stay on the main sequence. A red dwarf may stay on the main sequence for trillions of years, while a blue star only lasts a few million years.

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8y ago
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15y ago

Stars that burn cooler and dimmer use less fuel, and so will last longer before they go out. smaller stars are generally more stable than larger ones, and so usually last longer because they contract into dwarf stars instead of going supernova. going with those assumptions, the longest-burning star would be a red dwarf star.

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14y ago

The least massive stars stay on the main sequence the longest since they don't go through their fuel (their hydrogen) as quickly as bigger stars do. This is because bigger stars have to fight against more gravity, so they have to fuse their hydrogen at a faster rate than smaller stars. Once a star stops fusing hydrogen into helium at its core (and starts fusing heavier elements or just stops fusion altogether), it leaves the main sequence.

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13y ago

No Blue stars are the hottest, they burn their fuel off far quicker and violently than other stars, therefore they have the shortest life span. Main sequence is a misnomer; All Stars are Main sequence whilst they are converting Hydrogen to Helium, no matter the size or colour. Once this process ends so does the Title Main sequence.

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9y ago

M stars spend the most time in the Main Sequence. They are not highly visible due to low luminosity but comprise over 75 percent of the Main Sequence.

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13y ago

A red dwarf. Depending on the mass of the star it's lifetime could be trillions of years.

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12y ago

As in a particular star - that's impossible to answer.

As to a type of star from it's original formation, an O type star.

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10y ago

A red dwarf star.

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12y ago

A red dwarf.

See related question.

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Q: Does the blue main-sequence star have a longer life than other stars?
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Are blue stars more luminous?

Blue stars are more luminous than other main sequence stars but not necessarily brighter than giant and supergiant stars.

Are blue stars cooler than red stars?

No, blue stars are hotter than red stars. In other words, red stars are cooler. Think of it as fire. The red one is hot, but the blue flame is RAGING hot.

How do blue stars differ from the red stars?

Blue stars are hot, and red stars are cold. You'd think it would be the other way around, but weirdly enough, it's not.

Do blue or yellow stars live longer?

Blue Star- blue stars the super giants of the sky. they are much larger than yellow stars (about 3 times bigger) and hotter. Yellow Stars- yellow stars are a lot smaller and cooler an example is our sun. Therefore, because blue stars are hotter than yellow- they burn their nuclear fuel a lot faster and live for a shorter time.

Do blue giant stars have a much longer life than the sun?

No. They have a much shorter duration.

Are blue stars younger than red stars?

Not necessarily. Blue stars are short-lived compared to other stars, so they can never be very old, but a red dwarf star can be any age.

Are all young main sequence stars blue?

No. Only the most massive main sequence stars are blue. Because blue stars are short-lived compared to other stars they are almost invariably young. Less massive stars live much longer, so only a fairly small portion of them are so young. For example a star like our sun can be expected to remain on the main sequence for about 10 billion years, if the rate of formation of such stars is constant then you can expect 1 in every 1,000 such stars to be in their first 10 million years on the main sequence.

What color are stars when they are really hot compared to their color when they are not as hot?

The hottest stars are blue or blue-white, the coldest stars are red. In between, from colder to hotter are orange and yellow and maybe green. A white dwarf star is even hotter than a blue-white star, but it is dead and no longer undergoing fusion.

Which is cooler the blue stars or the red stars?

Red stars are cooler than blue stars

Why is the sun yellow not red or blue like some other stars?

Other yellow-white stars like our sun do exist. The color of a star depends on its temperature. The coolest stars are red while the hottest are blue. Our sun falls in the middle of this range.

Are blue-white stars the coolest?

No. Red stars are the coolest. Blue stars are the hottest.

Are blue stars real?

Yes. The hottest stars are blue.