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Georgia initially banned slavery because it was a debtor's colony.

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Q: Which U.S. colony banned slavery
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Why was slavery banned in the us?

slavery was banned because many people including the government found it unconstitutional

Did the Georgia colony initially ban slavery?

Yes, the Georgia colony banned the slave trade and the use of alcohol. Georgia begin as a prison colony.

In which part of the US would slavery be banned?

All of them.

Because Georgia's founders wanted a colony of small farms rather than large plantations they originally banned?


Which colony made slavery legal first in us?

Massachusetts became the first colony to legalize slavery in what would later become the United States in 1641.

Did Bahamas have slave working on it?

As a British colony, the Bahamas had slavery up until it was banned by the Slavery Abolition Act passed by the British Parliament in 1834. The abolition of slavery was a staged process which was completed by 1840.

What is the percentage of people that say slavery should be banned?

.....slavery IS banned......

What is the politics for Georgia?

Georgia's founders wanted georgia to be a colony of small farms, not large plantations. Therefore slavery was banned. -christian

Who banned slavery?

Various countries have banned slavery at different times. Some notable examples include the United Kingdom in 1833, the United States with the 13th Amendment in 1865, and Brazil in 1888. However, despite these legal bans, forms of modern slavery still exist around the world.

When slavery ends in US?

Slavery was banned when the Civil war began on on April 12, 1861, at 4:30 a.m.

When was slavery banned by a constitution?

Slavery was banned by the Constitution in 1865 by the Thirteenth Amendment.