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It was Apollo 1 where all three died in a fire.

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Q: Which US space mission was a disaster and three astronauts died in a fire in?
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What were the three astronauts that were on the Apollo 13 space mission?

Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, Fred Haise

What was the name given to the space program using three astronauts on each flight?

It was called the Apollo mission.

.0How were neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin picked for space?

N.a.S.A selected the three of the Apollo astronauts for the moon mission.

What is the name of the American space program that carried three astronauts into space?

The Apollo missions each carried three astronauts.

What was the first American spacecraft to carry three astronauts?

The Apollo Mission

How many astronauts were in Apollo?

The question is not clear, there were three astronauts at a time in a Apollo mission , and there were 11 Apollo missions.

Who were the astronauts on the mission Apollo?

The three astronauts on the Apollo 11 were Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins.

What are the names of the three astronauts on the Apollo thirteen mission?

The names of the three astronauts of Apollo 13 , were James Lovell, Jack .L.Swigert, and Fred . W.Haise.

Which astronaut was not at the Apollo mission 11?

There were only three astronauts on Apollo 11 , all the other astronauts did not go .

Who was in the apollo11 mission?

The three astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission were Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins.

What were the names of the three astronauts on the Apollo three mission?

Apollo 3 was an unmanned test of the Saturn booster

What Apollo space ship had an explosion while in space?

Apollo 13 had an explosion while encourse to the Moon. Luckily, the three astronauts inside were able to survive and make it back to Earth alive. The mission reminded people of the dangers of space exploration. The mission's story has been made into a movie, Apollo 13.