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Shape of rocks in the cave

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6d ago

Light would have the least effect on the ability of aerobic organisms to live and reproduce in a cave. Since caves are characterized by low or no light conditions, the presence or absence of light does not typically impact aerobic organisms that rely on oxygen for survival. Other factors such as temperature, humidity, and nutrient availability would have a greater influence on their ability to thrive in a cave environment.

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Q: Which abiotic factor has the LEAST effect on the ability of aerobic organisms to live and reproduce in a cave?
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What is arobic energy?

Aerobic energy is produced through the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen. This process occurs in the mitochondria of cells and is the primary energy source for endurance activities. Aerobic exercise helps improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

What process produces more energy-the anaerobic pathway or the aerobic pathway?

The aerobic pathway produces more energy than the anaerobic pathway. Aerobic respiration generates a much higher yield of ATP molecules from glucose compared to anaerobic fermentation. Anaerobic metabolism is a less efficient process that produces ATP without the use of oxygen.

Is muscular energy renewable?

Yes, muscular energy is renewable because our muscles have the ability to recover and regenerate energy through processes like aerobic respiration and stored energy sources like glycogen. With adequate rest, hydration, and nutrition, muscles can replenish their energy stores and continue to function effectively.

What is V02?

well it is connected to vo2 max which is the measurement of the lactic threshold when excercising.

What is the amount of energy the aerobic system is capable of producing each minute is best estimated by?

The amount of energy the aerobic system is capable of producing each minute can be best estimated by measuring an individual's maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) during exercise. VO2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen that a person can utilize during intense exercise and is used as an indicator of aerobic fitness and energy production capacity.

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Organisms that use oxygen?

Aerobic organisms use oxygen.

In what situation does anaerobic take place?

Anaerobic respiration takes place in situations where the body isn't getting enough oxygen.

Which types of structures help animals get energy?

Animals are aerobic eukaryotic organisms. Aerobic organisms are those which get their energy by chemically breaking down molecules using oxygen. Eukaryotic organisms are those with cells that have internal organelles, particularly a nucleus. All aerobic eukaryotes produce energy within the mitochondria of their cells.

What type of activity is the ability of your lungs and heart to supply the muscles with oxygen?


What is the purpose of the citric acid cycle in aerobic organisms?

The purpose of the citric acid cycle in aerobic organisms is to regenerate energy through the breaking down of compounds. This cycle is a prime example of evolution.

Can an aerobic organsm be oxidase negative?

Yes, some aerobic organisms can be oxidase negative. Oxidase positivity is not always directly related to aerobicity, as it depends on the presence of cytochrome c oxidase in the organism. Some aerobic bacteria lack this enzyme and are therefore oxidase negative.

How are photosynthesis and aerobic cellular respiration?

Aerobic respiration:C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2Oglucose + oxygen produce carbon dioxide and waterPhotosynthesis:6CO2 + 6H2O --> C6H12O6 + 6O2carbon dioxide and water produce glucose and oxygenThe reactants of aerobic respiration are the products of photosynthesis. Organisms that undergo aerobic respiration need the products of photosynthesis to survive (this includes the plants and other photosynthesizing organisms themselves). Plants and other photosynthesizing organisms need the products of aerobic respiration in order to survive.

What process in the mitochondrion?

It is called the respiration. Aerobic respiration takes place in it

Do prokaryotic organisms have aerobic cellular respiration?

Why should we tell u!!

How do aerobic organisms living beneath the soil get air?

There is oxygen in the ground

What are the two forms of energy manufacture by the organisms?

Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration.

Explain why the events of electron transport chain constitute an aerobic process?

because in aerobic organisms uses oxygen as its terminal acceptor