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You can get herpes at any age.
Herpes can affect any one at any age.

Cold sores and fever blisters ( caused by HSV1) can affect both children and adults.

Genital herpes can affect some one when they start having sex.

Herpes doesn't care how old you are.
A person can be infected with herpes at any age.
Herpes can affect any one at any age.

It's not common but babies can be born with herpes if the mother has a break out as she gives birth.

Children often get cold sores (Oral herpes HSV1) by being innocently kissed by a relatiive or friend that has them.

Once you contract genital herpes or oral herpsyou will have them for the rest of your life because there isn't a cure.

Also if you have had chicken pox (herpes zooster) as a child then it can cause shingles later in life.

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Q: Which age group does herpes affect?
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hi people i dont really know the answer but i just want to talk to you guys i have 2 chat later k peeps bye luy

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Definately not.