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Only the national government can regulate interstate trade.

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Q: Which agreement was reached by the delegates to the constitution convention?
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Did Connecticut delegates view on slavery during the Constitutional convention?

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. It seems to me that they would be in support of slavery because, assuming my facts are correct, Connecticut had a lot of slaves.

What compromise regarding slavery was reached by the delegates at the 1787 constitutional convention?

The three fifths compromise

Which aggreement was reached by the delegates to the constitutional convention?

tge national government can levy taxes directly onto citizens

When can the Constitution not be amended?

The Constitution cannot be amended if sufficient agreement is not reached. There are two methods of amendment, both requiring defined levels of agreement between the states and the Congress. If agreement is reached, the amendment is adopted. Amendments can also be repealed by the enactment of a further amendment.

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What agreement was reached that allowed the Constitution to be ratified?

What agreement was reached that allowed the Constitution to be ratified?

This document suggested the legislative branch have a House of Representatives and a Senate?

This was the Connecticut Compromise.The Connecticut Compromise was an agreement reached in 1787. It was passed by large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention. It defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the US Constitution. Each state would have 2 representatives in the Senate, and in the House of Representatives, the number of seats would depend on population.

What might have been the result if delegates to the convention had not reached a compromise?

If delegates to the convention never made compromises then many bonds with the USA. small states would be loosened. This would weaken the trust of the government.

What happens at their party's convention if none of the candidates have enough delegates to win the nomination?

There will be a brokered national convention. After the delegates vote as pledged, and no one gets the majority of delegates, then the delegates vote again, this time not necessarily as they pledged to, that is, not necessarily as the voters from their states wanted them to. They vote again and again until a decision is reached.

What is Roger Sherman's compromise?

Roger Sherman's great compromise of 1787, was an agreement between small and large states reached during the Philadelphia convention of 1787; That in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the united states government/constitution.

What agreement did the delegated at the constitutional convention finally reached under the great compromise?

In 1787, the delegates agreed that congress was to be divided into two houses: The House of Representatives - representation determined by population (called the lower louse) The Senate - all states having two representatives (called the upper house) This system still occurs today.

What is Roger Sherman's great compromise?

Roger Sherman's great compromise of 1787, was an agreement between small and large states reached during the Philadelphia convention of 1787; That in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the united states government/constitution.