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Q: Which amendment makes its possible for citizens to fulfill their civic responsibility of participating in the democratic process?
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What is civic responsibility important?

Civic responsibility is the 'responsibility' of all citizens to exhibit attitudes and actions related to the participation of democratic governance within their community and within their own, or any other country. It is helping to promote community activities such as voting, helping the needy and participating in local government. It is citizens working for the common good.

What is a major responsibility citizens do in a democratic society?

Vote, and participate.

What responsibility do corporations have toward citizens in a democratic state?

protect their integrity and right of privacy

How do citizens accept responsibility fo protecting others sixth amendment?

they serve on juries

What is one responsibility that is only for US Citizens?

Serve on a juryVote in a federal electionTwo responsibilities of US citizens are to serve on a jury and vote in federal elections. The Constitution gives citizens the rights to a trial by a jury. The jury is made up of US citizens. Participation of citizens on a jury helps ensure a fair trial. Another important responsibility of citizens is voting. The law does not require citizens to vote, but voting is very important part of any democracy. By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens' interests.

When was Citizens' Democratic Party created?

Citizens' Democratic Party was created in 1993.

Which amendment made African Americans citizens?

All African Americans became citizens as a result of the 14th Amendment.

When was Citizens' Movement for Democratic Action created?

Citizens' Movement for Democratic Action was created in 1990.

When did Citizens' Movement for Democratic Action end?

Citizens' Movement for Democratic Action ended in 1991.

Why the first amendment important to democratic citizens?

The first amendment allows the freedom to express one's self. Our natino being as diverse as it is needs the first amendment to keep national stability. Multiple religions, races, ethnicity's all lead to different views and opinions

Is George Washington related to rights or responsibility?

George Washington is related to both rights and responsibility. As a leader in the American Revolution and the first President of the United States, Washington played a crucial role in establishing and protecting the rights of American citizens. He also emphasized the importance of civic responsibility and the duty of citizens to actively participate in the democratic process.

How are the citizens in the judicial branch?

participating in a judge case