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The 19th Amendment, passed in 1919.

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Q: Which amendment of the bill of rights says women can vote?
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What rights does the Bill of Rights say that women have?

the 19th amendment says the women have the right to vote.

What do the ninth amendment and the concept of penumbra says?

That there are other rights besides those listed in the Bill of Rights

What did the Nineteenth Amendment say?

Basically it States that women get the same rights as men do.

What is the purpose of search warrant?

In the Bill of Rights the fourth amendment says the government must have a warrant and probable cause to search and/or seizure of your property.

Which provision of the first amendment guaruantees your right to express your opinion?

The First Amendment, included in the Bill of Rights, is the source for our freedom of speech. In part, the First Amendment says that Congress will make no law abridging the freedom of speech.

What are seven amendments?

The First Amendment says that "Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or the press. The second Amendment says "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" Third Amendment, which forbids nonconsensual quartering of soldiers in private homes during peacetime, lies almost forgotten among the Bill of Rights. The fourth amendment Is " Bill Of Rights" Adopted in 1791 as one of the Bill of Rights, the Fifth Amendment. 6th Amendment states that we have the right to a speedy public trial. The seven one I don't know. -Zemy Tiger Lillie

Was there a amendment that band guns?

no, but there is one that says gun rights

Why did they put restrictions on the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights, as initially approved, provided protection mainly for the rights of people with respect to the federal government. At that time, it was considered appropriate for states and communities to determine certain freedoms and restrict others. For example, the First Amendment begins, "Congress shall make no law ..." The Tenth Amendment says that anything not specifically given as a power of the federal government is reserved for the states or the people. This restriction was to prevent a huge federal power-grab. The Fourteenth Amendment is not part of the Bill of Rights (it was added 75 years later) but has substantially changed how the courts and federal government view the Bill of Rights. This amendment says that none of the rights of the people may be taken away by any state -- in other words, the Bill of Rights now applies to state and local governments as well as to the federal government. This changes the interpretation of the First Amendment quoted above to something like, "Congress, and states and local governments, shall make no law ..."

Why is important the bills of rights?

The Bill of Rights enshrines a number of fundamental rights (such as Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, etc.) shared by all Americans.Could we freely answer many of these questions without the Bill of Rights? No, because we have freedom of speech.That's only one of the things the 1st amendment promises, yet there are 10.The rights of the Bill Of Rights is important because it says people are importantThe Bill of Rights is important because it secures all citizen's freedom, thus preventing the government from infringing upon our rights.The rights of the Bill Of Rights is important because it says people are importantthe bill of rights protects the rights of the people, such of freedom of speech, press, assembly, and other things, and overall protects your freedom.

Which amendment says the people have the rights to keep and bear arms?

The 2nd

What level of government was the Bill of Rights originally intended to affect?

Really it applies to them all but it depends which right you are refereeing to

Where is it stated that Americans have religious freedom?

In the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights, which is part of the US Constitution, it says that Congress shall make no laws prohibiting the practice of religion.