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Q: Which amendment provided a process to feel like they can see in the office of the Vice President?
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Which amendment affected the office of president?

The 12th Amendment provides the procedure for electing the President and the Vice President. Basically, it modified the process so that these positions are now elected by the Electoral College.

What amendment change the date of the president and vice president term in office?

The 20th Amendment specifies that the President and Vice President shall begin their terms of office on January 20th. The Amendment was ratified on January 23,

Identify a constitutional amendment passed since 1960 that illustrates the Constitutions flexability?

The 25th amendment (1967) to the Constitution shows the Constitution's flexibility. When the Constitution was first drafted, it did not have any provisions for presidential disability or vacancy in the office of vice president. This amendment established a process whereby if the president becomes disabled, the vice president assumes the responsibilities of that office until the president can resume his duties.

Is the president provided with security or retirement pay after leaving office?

After leaving office, the President is not provided with security or retirement pay.

Which amendments affected thes office of the president?


What process can be used to remove the President from office?

The process is impeachment by the House of Representatives followed by a trial and conviction by the US Senate. People often think of impeachment as being the entire process.

Which amendment establishes the procedure to fill a vacancy in the office of the vice president?

Amendment 25, section 2, established a procedure for filling a vacancy in the vice-presidency.

What part of the Constitution says that the office of the President should be transferred to the Vice President if the President dies while in office?

The 25th Amendment !

Who was the first president to take office on the inaugural date specified by the Twentieth Amendment?

Franklin Roosevelt was the first president to take office on the inaugural date specified by the Twentieth Amendment.

Which amendment identifies who fills the positions as President and Vice president if they become disabled or leave office?

Amendment 25 contains this information.

How was Gerald Ford's vice president chosen when ford became president?

The XXV Amendment to the US Constitution (ratified 10 February 1967) provided: "Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice-President, The President shall nominate a Vice-President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote by both houses of the Congress".

Does the amendment 22 limit the president to four terms in office?

It limits a president to TWO four-year terms in office.