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18th Amendment in 1919, law enforcement officials all over the nation were charged with stopping "the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States . . . for beverage purposes."

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Q: Which amendment was known as the noble experiment and ultimately repealed?
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Which amendment passed for the progressive reform was later repealed?

The Prohibition of Alcohol

Which amendment was repaled and when?

the 18th amendment was repealed in 1933 18th amendment known as Prohibition or formally as the Volstead Act was repealed by the 21st amendment which was ratified on December 5th, 1933

Which amendment did the Twenty-first Amendment repeal?

The 21st Amendment (1933) repealed the 18th Amendment (1919), which is also known as "prohibition" and banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol in the US. (The ban on alcohol did not prohibit its consumption, and was widely ignored, leading to the growth of a massive illegal industry dominated by criminal gangs.)

What is an example of the twenty first amendment?

It repeals the 18th amendment, which bans all liquor.

How are the 18th and 21st amendments related?

The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution prohibited the manufacture, sale or transportation of all intoxicating liquors within, into or out of the United States - known as Prohibition. It took effect in January 1920. By 1933, people realized this was not as good idea as it had seemed, and the Eighteenth Amendment was repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment.

What is the 21st Amendment?

it was the prohibition act (no alcohal) The 21st amendment to the United States constitution repealed the 18th amendment to the United States constitution which had mandeted nationwide prohibition.

What law was the 18th amendment known as?

great expirament and another name for the eighteenth amendment is PROHIBITION

What did the 18th admendment do?

The 18th amendment prohibited the sale, transport, export, import, or manufacture of alcoholic beverages. It is known as the prohibition amendment. It was later repealed by the 21st amendment.

What is another name for the 18th Amendment?

ProhibitionThe 18th amendment made manufacture, importation, or possession of alcohol illegal. It is also known as the "Noble Experiment".it was also called the temperance movement or temperance act.

Amendment 18 is was known by this name?

Amendment 18 is known as the prohibition amendment.

Which amendment is known as the forgotten amendment?

The 9th Amendment ;)

What was Amendment 18 known as in the constitution?

Amendment 18 was known by this name: prohibition.