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Q: Which ancient civilization claimed to be children of the sun god?
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The children worship the same gods as their parents and other adults.

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It reflect because of it's sculptures about ancient's GOD !

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Bes was the ancient Egyptian god of households, mothers, children and childbirth.

Who were the children of the sun god?

I am unsure of your exact question. There is only one true God - the God of Abraham, but if you are refering to Ancient Rome and Greece, Apollo and Helios' children are to numerous to name.

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In ancient Greek mythology, Poseidon had children who were god and goddesses like he was and they could not die.

What did Inti have has children do for him?

Inti is the sun god and he taught his kinds the art of civilization and sent them to earth to instruct mankind.

Who is inti what did he have his children do?

Inti is the sun god and he taught his kinds the art of civilization and sent them to earth to instruct mankind.