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Spiders and snakes

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Q: Which animal has poisonous venom even after its death?
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How do snakes affects people?

When a snake bites you it affects you because they inject their venom inside your body. Some are poisonous and can lead to serious injury or even death in some cases if the venom is that irritating!

Do Michigan rattlesnakes eat mosquitoes?

No rattlesnake is poisonous but all rattlesnakes are venomous. A poison must be ingested to cause harm. A venom is injected. One can safely eat a rattlesnake and its venom. However, if the venom is injected into the tissues of the body it can cause serious damage, even death.

Give you a sentence with poisonous?

Snake venom, even in small amounts, can be extremely posionous.

What will remain active as venom even after death?


Are all scorpions poisonous?

Yes in fact all scorpions are poisonous, all scorpions, even young/infant scorpions inject the same amount of venom and the same type of venom.

What are some spiders that just bite?

No spider 'just bites'; if a spider bites, it injects some amount of venom, even if most of the time that venom is not poisonous to humans.

What is poison?

Poison is ingested by the victim through eating the poisonous animal n most cases. Of course, don't touch something poisonous and then your mouth. Venom is injected into the victim by fangs, stingers, spines, etc.

Can the tiger inject venom or poison in it's prey?

no it can't only snakes can That guy is wrong. Its not just snakes that have venom. Think of jellyfish and even the platypus. But no tigers arent poisonous, but they can kill you.

Can Snake Venom only kill if it's injected into the bloodstream?

No, a poisonous snake bite can be deadly even if bitten shallow on the skin.

What does a cobras venom do?

It can cause nervous breakdown, cardiac arrest, coma and even death

Can you eat poisonous plants?

Obviously, it would be unwise to eat poisonous plants. They can cause suffering, pain, and even death.

Are all spiders poisonous?

To humans? No. In fact, most are not.'Poisonous' is a term usually understood to mean harmful or even deadly to humans. Most spiders simply aren't dangerous to people.All Spiders have some kind of venom, in order to disable their prey.But most spiders have venom that is either medically harmless to humans, or they inject so little of it that they cannot be considered 'poisonous'.