

Which animals hunt giraffes

Updated: 11/18/2022
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8y ago

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lion's,African Savanna

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Q: Which animals hunt giraffes
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What sort of animals do they hunt in Mali?

jackals giraffes and anything they can get

What are giraffes scard of?

If you mean "What are giraffes scared of?" the answer is: All the carnivorous animals that hunt it for food; lions, leopards, hyenas and wild dogs.

Do giraffes hunt in packs?

No, giraffes do not hunt down their food. Giraffes are herbivores and eat plants and leaves. They are grazing mammals.

Are giraffes predators?

Giraffes are herbivores, they do not hunt. They are Prey.

Do giraffes have any body structures that help them hunt or find food?

Giraffes long necks let them find vegetation higher up than other animals can reach.

Why do people hunt giraffes?

Giraffes are protected in eastern Africa, but are hunted elsewhere for their skins.

How do giraffes hunt?

they do not hunt they just eat leaves they are vegans

Do lions hunt giraffes?


What do giraffes have that no other animals has?

Baby Giraffes

Does a giraffe hunt by itself?

giraffes are herbivores.

When does a giraffe hunt?


Are giraffes people?

NO!! giraffes are very tall animals.