

Which animals produce few eggs

Updated: 11/9/2022
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12y ago

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the animal heve a few eggs is bird

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Q: Which animals produce few eggs
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Why do some animals produce a few eggs whilst others produce thousands?

because of the vagimns

Why do some animals produce 1000 of eggs and some only a few?

Beacause different animals produce and lay or have differnet things and different amounts. That's how science works.

Why can animals trhat reproduce through internal fertilization afford to produce so few eggs each time?

Because they want to

What are the type of animals that lay eggs?

Animals that lay eggs are called Oviparous animals. These type of animals have no specific class as mammals as well as types of fishes and birds can produce eggs.

Do all animals produce eggs?

no. mammal's don't

What animal produces few eggs and what animal produces numerous eggs?

Animals that take care of their young produce fewer eggs. e.g. crocodiles. Animals that leave their young to fend for themselves produce numerous eggs. e.g. fish. This is an energy balance. You spend little energy to produce eggs, but spend more energy taking care of your offspring. Conversely, you can spend lots of energy producing many eggs and spend little energy thereafter. It's a numbers game.

How many babies do amphibians have at once?

Amphibians do not produce babies but lay eggs out of which some are lost only a few survive.Sea turtle can produce about the eggs,but ,mosquito can produce hundreds eggs .

Do you import more eggs than you produce in the US?

no, very few eggs are imported

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What animals begin as egg and sperm?

Almost all animals begin as an egg and a sperm. There are a few exceptions, though, such as sea sponges. But for the majority, they begin as sperm and egg.

Do animals produce sexually?

Yes, most animals produce sexually, among the few that don't are jellyfish and plankton.

Which animals produce numerous eggs?

all mammels such as turtles, birds, and alligators