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Bulls and steers tend to put more muscle on them than cows or heifers. Bulls are more muscular than steers by the time they are weaned. Heifers are always smaller than steers at weaning and throughout the feeding phase. Mature bulls always have more muscle mass and muscularity than cows do.

Males are always going to have more muscling because of the fact that they are male. Masculinity plays a big role in the amount of muscle that a bovine will have. Females tend to gain more fat than muscle when fed the same ration and are the same age and weight as a bull or steer is, and this is why steers are more favorable to be used for beef than heifers or young cows are.

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Q: Which are meatier female cattle or male cattle?
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Are there ever male milk tank?

No. Milk does not come from male cattle: it comes from female cattle (i.e., cows).

What are the difference in the hemoglobin of male and female cattle?

Not usually.

Do female bulls have calves?

There is no such thing as a female bull! Bulls are male cattle. Female cattle are just called cows, and they are the ones that have the calves! While cow is used as a generic term for both male and female cattle, the correct terms are bull for males and cow for females.

How sex is detemined in livestock?

Horse- Stallion (Male); Mare (Female) Cattle- Bull (Male); Cow (Female) Sheep- Ram (Male); Ewe (Female)

Can a female be a bull?

No. The term "bull" refers to male cattle which are capable of reproduction. Male cattle which have been castrated are referred to as steers.

Are beef cattle female?

Beef cows are all female, because the proper term for a cow is a mature female that has already given birth at least once or twice.

Are cattle female and male?

Yes. The word "cattle" is a general term that refers to more than one bovine, no matter the age, sex (male or female), breed or type of those bovines.

Is there only one gender of the animal bull?

A bull is a male cattle. A female cattle is called a cow. So, yes, bulls can only be one gender - male.

Do steers have horns?

A steer is merely a bull that has been castrated. Those cattle are usually fed out as food, and are de-horned manually to prevent injury to them, the other cattle, and human handlers. Some breeds are born without horns, whether male or female. Both male and female cattle can have horns.

What would be a better choice male or female cattle dog to purchase for a loving family dog?

Usually a male they are more protetive.

How many years does it take for a cow to become a bull?

A cow will never become a bull because cows are female cattle and bulls are male cattle.