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They invaded and settled in Normandy, Iceland, eastern England and Sicily. If by 'invade' you also mean 'raided', the list becomes much longer and includes also The Netherlands, Constantinople, and many places in France, Spain, Russia, Ireland and North Africa.

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Everywhere. The Vikings originated in Scandinavia (the current nations of Norway, Sweden and Denmark) . They raided towns in Ireland, England and Scotland, and for a good bit of the 800s and 900s, occupied and ruled extensive territories in England. Viking raiders sailed as far up the Seine as Paris.

Vikings traded as far east as Moscow, Russia, and as far south as Spain and Portugal.

Vikings colonized Iceland, and had settlements in southern Greenland. There are Viking ruins on the North American continent that they called "Vinland", in what is now Labrador and Nova Scotia.

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Q: Which area's of Europe did the vikings raid?
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From Scandinavia that used long oar powered ships to raid areas across Europe?

The Vikings.

What area of Europe did the Vikings raid?

vikings raided Britain,Ireland, and other parts of western Europe

Was it the danish . swedish or norwegian vikings that raided England first?

The first vikings to raid England were norwegian vikings. However the first sea-raid ever from Scandinavia to western Europe was that of Hugleik from Götaland in nowadays Sweden, who raided the coast of Frisia in the Frankish kingdom already in the sixth century.

Why did the Vikings raid Europe?

The Vikings lived in a harsh climate, and at first they were able to survive on fishing, farming and trading alone, but when their population increased, the Vikings raided other lands in order to gain land and possessions.

Who where the vikings and why did they raid Europe?

A Viking is a Norsemen, and they were typical men and women who farmed, hunted, and made there own civilization to survive from. Some Vikings would raid different countries in Europe for loot.

When did vikings begin raids on Europe?

They began to raid because that was how they where raised and they thought it was normal. It was part of there culture.

What targets did the vikings like to raid?

They liked to raid deers ships and racoons

Why did the Vikings never raid Hungary?

Hungary is landlocked and the Vikings attacked by sea.

What monastery did the vikings raid first?

the vikings first raided the monastery of lindersfarne.

What did the vikings raid?

because they are horny creatures

Who did the vikings raid in the eighth century?


What did the vikings do during a raid?

kidnap, harm