

Which area prone landslides

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Which area prone landslides
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due to heavy rain there is soil erosion due to that landslides are frequent in the shivalik range By-SHREY SAXENA [CSI]

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Yes. Nepal is prone to earthquakes, landslides, and avalanches.

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This is an accident prone area.

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they are the same because they both have to do with water troubling an area

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Yes. Even without an eruption a dormant volcano may be prone to earthquakes, landslides, and gas emissions.

Why do major landslides occur near plate boundaries?

There are two reasons. First, the movement along plate boundaries and the accompanying folding and faulting can create hills and mountains. If the slopes become too steep they are unstable and prone to landslides. Second, movement along plate boundaries also generates earthquakes, which can trigger landslides.

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shiwalik is made up of unconsolidated sediments and is the lowermost part of the is found near river valleys which erodes the soil and hence prone to landslides .it is also located near the boundary of a tectonic plate and hence more prone to earthquake.

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