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Q: Which atom has 4 fewer electrons than an aluminium atom?
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Has 76 fewer electrons than francium?

The neutral atom of sodium has 11 electrons.

What is an atom that has more of fewer electrons than protrons?

Such an atom has a net electric charge, and is known as an ion.

When is an atom charged?

An atom is charged when it has more or fewer electrons than in its natural state. This is also called an Ion. Ions can be positively charged (more electrons) or negatively charged (fewer electrons).See wikipedia for a thorough dissertation

What can be concluded if an ion of an element is smaller than an atom of the same element?

The ion is positively charged because it has fewer electrons than the atom.

What does it mean if an atom is positively charged?

The nucleus of an atom has both electrons and neutrons. An atom that has a positive charge means that the atom has fewer electrons than it has protons.

An atom that has plus 1 charge must have fewer what than usual?

Electrons. Electrons carry a negative charge so when one is removed from the atom the atom gains a net positive charge.

An atom that has more or fewer electrons than it has protons is called?

More electrons = negatively charged = anion Less electrons = positively charged = cation

Do atoms with many electron shells let go of their electrons easier than fewer shells?

More the number of shells in an atom, more away will be the electrons from the nucleus. Hence, weaker will be the attraction between nucleus and outermost electrons. So atom with more shells will let go their electrons easier than atoms with fewer shells.

How is a strontium atom different from a strontium ion?

An isotope has extra or fewer neutrons in the nucleus than the average number for that element. This may or may not result in a radioactive isotope. An ion has extra or fewer electrons orbiting the nucleus. This usually increases the chemical reactivity.

An atom with a positive charge is called a?

It is a Cation, an ion with fewer electrons than protons, giving it a positive charge

Which is more likely to form bonds an atom with 8valence electrons or an atom with fewer then 8 valence electrons?

An atom that has fewer than 8 valence electrons is more reactive, or more likely to form bonds, than an atom with 8 valence electron. Atoms bond by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons in order to have a filled outermost energy level with 8 valence electrons.