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Fluorine has the smallest atomic radii because it is towards the right of the Periodic Table and on top.

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11y ago

Helium usually is listed with the smallest atomic radius when calculated. Hydrogen however has a smaller van der Waals radius

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Q: Which atom has the smallest atomic radii?
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Related questions

What element has the smallest radii?

A hydrogen atom has the smallest radii.

What is the difference between atomic radii and ionic radii?

atomci radii measures for an atom ionic radii measures for an ion

Where are atoms with the largest and smallest atomic radii found?

The atoms with the largest atomic radii are found in the lower right side of the periodic table. Smallest atoms are found in the higher left part of the periodic table. He has the smallest atomic radii.

Why do halogens have the smallest atomic radii in their respective periods?

Halogens have maximum effective nuclear charge. So the high number of protons in the nucleus attract electrons and thus the size of the atomic radii is the smallest.

What trend do you note for the atomic radii of period 3?

The size of atom decreasing.

Why are the ionic radii of metallic elements smaller than the atomic radii of the same elements?

The ionic radii of metallic elements is smaller than its atomic radii, because the ion has less electrons. This gives it a smaller electron cloud and makes the atom smaller.

What is the smallest atomic radius in period 5?

Argon is the atom that has the smallest radius in Period 3. As you go cross Period 3 from left to right, the atomic radii of the elements decrease. The elements in Period 3 from left to right begin with sodium and ends with argon.

The elements with the smallest atomic radii are found in the?

The elements with the smallest atomic radii are found in the top of the P block of the periodic table. Helium (He) has the smallest atomic radius. Francium, on the other side of the periodic table (very bottom of the S block), has the largest atomic radius.

What elements has the smallest atomic size K Ca Na Ar or Kr?

Ar, using the table of atomic radii in wikipedia.

What is the smallest element?


What group of elements have members of the smallest atomic radii for a given period?

Noble gases have the smallest atomic radius.

Which element has the smallest atom?

hydrogen This is because it has the smallest Relative Atomic Mass =]