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Nitrogen appears as N2 where there are three bonds between the two nitrogen atoms.

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Q: Which atom would be most likely to form three covalent bonds?
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What two things would happen if hydrogen bonds held the backbones together but covalent bonds held the templates together?

Hydrogen bonds are weak, but they are able to hold the backbones together. If covalent bonds held the templates together instead, the bonds would be even weaker and would likely break.

Which elements would most likely form non-polar covalent bonds?

H and H

What type of bond is OF?

The bond between O and F would be a covalent bond (dative/coordinate), if in fact OF existed. More likely it would exist as OF2 (still covalent bonds).

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Compounds with covalent bonds are generally more dangerous more open flames, because they are more likely to combust. Ionic compounds such as salt usually do not react as nearly much to flame. This results due to the different natures of the bonds.

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If it bonds with a metal then its ionic. if it bonds with a nonmetal then is covalent.

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Both Br and Br and H and H form non-polar covalent bonds.

How would an atom with 2 electrons in its second shell combine with other atoms?

double covalent bonds. single covalent bonds.

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Is N2 a ionic or covalent bonds?

N2 is a Triple bond which would be Covalent

Why would the nitrogen atom form a covalent bond?

It would form a nitrogen atom because Nitrogen is a nonmetal, and covalent bonds occur when a nonmetal bonds to another nonmetal.

Which of these elements are most likely to form covalent bonds silicon oxygen chlorine or sulfur?

silcon has the lowest electronegtaivity so would most likely form covalent bonds. Sulfur is next (although with group1 and 2 metals it forms ionic compounds) oxygen and chlorine have high electronegativites so form many ionic compounds - however they also form covalent compunds as well.

What is required on order to melt a network solid?

Breaking covalent bonds throughout the solid would be required to melt a network solid.