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Q: Which best describes a difference between transcription and DNA replication A.Only transcription happens in the nucleus. B.DNA replication takes place in the ribosome. C.Transcription does not requ?
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Which best describes a difference between transcription and DNA replication-?

Another answer could be that Transcription uses Uracil. This is the answer I got from Apex btw.

What best describes a difference between transcription and DNA replication?

The difference between transcription and DNA replication is that transcription uses uracil.

During DNA replication the wrong nucleotide was inserted in the DNA sequence what terms describes this situation mutation regeneration transcription or translation?


What specific term describes the process when Dna replicates itself?

Replication is the process and im sure im right.

What word describes the synthesis of RNA using a DNA template?

This is called transcription.

What describes a difference between transcription and DNA replication?

DNA replication uses thymine.

Are proteins made by translating mRNA?

What best describes the product of dna transcription

What describes the main purpose of RNA polymerase during transcription.?

It synthesizes RNA.

What term describes the process of DNA making an RNA copy of itself?

This process is called transcription.

What is the term which describes the fact that half of the old DNA molecule is kept in new molecule?

Semiconservative replication

Which describes the main main purpose of RNA polymerase during transcription?

RNA polymerase produce mRNA from DNA

What best describes the product of transcription?

Transcription is the second part of the Central Dogma of biology: DNA to RNA to Protein. At the end of transcription, there is an RNA copy of the DNA segment that has been spliced so that it only contains the coding sequences for the gene. That is then exported for translation. This segment, the direct project of transcription is messenger RNA or mRNA.