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Q: Which biomolecule would you classify starch?
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Is starch the most abundant biomolecule in milk?

Milk don't contain starch.

What biomolecule is in a potato?

well i know they have starch and cellulose.... both carbohydrates though

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What type of biomolecule is the primary energy storage molecule in animals?

Sugar (Glucose) and also Adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Is starch hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

Starch is a biological compound, or biomolecule. It is a polymer of glucose molecules with the formula (C6H12O6)n. Since it contains oxygen, it is not a hydrocarbon.

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How would you distinguish the biomolecules from other molecules. What is the criterion for classifying a biomolecule as micromolecule or macromolecule?

Biomolecules contain protoplasm which other molecules do not contain. Micromolecules are with low molecular weight e.g glucose, water. Macromolecules are with high molecular weight e.g starch, protein etc.

Is sugar and starches lipids?

No, starch and lipids are two different organic compounds. Starch is a complex carbohydrate. Lipids are fat molecules.

What is the Main biomolecule in potatoes?

Potato is composite of relatively high amount of starch and sugar. Longer you store potato or more mature the potato gets, the starch are converted into sugar. Potato peel contains very trace amount of protein.

Do peas contain starch?

They're actually what are considered 'starchy vegetables'. They have more carbohydrates per serving than an equal serving size of say, lettuce. If you need to classify it in terms of diet, you would consider one serving of peas as one starch.

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