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the Judical branch A.K.A. the supreme court

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Q: Which brach of government decides if a law is constitutional?
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Which branch of government decides if the law is constitutional?


Which branch of the central government decides if law is constitutional?


In the UK what branch of government decides whether a law is constitutional?


Who decides whether a law is constitutional or not?

The American Judicial System, part of the Senate decides which laws are constitutional.

Which branch decides if a law is constitutional?


This branch explains the law decides which are constitutional and tries law-breakers?


Which government body decides whether or not an action violates the constitution?

The judicial branch is the main actor that decides whether or not an action of the government is unconstitutional. However, technically the President can decide not to enforce parts of a law Congress passes on the basis of unconstitutionality through constitutional signing statements.

What defines government power?

Constitutional Law

What government in the UK decides if a law is constituntional?

The United Kingdom has an uncodified and unwritten constitution; strictly speaking, no law can be regarded as unconstitutional. Parliament has the power to change the law, including constitutional principles, easily and as it sees fit. This effectively means that if a law is passed, it is automatically considered constitutional, even if it goes against what was previously regarded as constitutional law. As such, the UK constitution is arguably the most heavily amended in the world.

Is the constitutional government no person not even the president is above the law of the land?

Correct. In a constitutional government (or any republic in general), the law applies to everyone.

In a constitutional government no person not even the President is above the law of the land.?

Correct. In a constitutional government (or any republic in general), the law applies to everyone.

What branch of government decides the meaning of the law?

Supreme Court