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Q: Which career perspective is more relevant to hrm?
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What is the difference between ihrm and hrm?

The difference between IHRM and HRM is that IHRM deals with much broader perspective while HRM deals with narrow perspective.

What is career planning in terms of HRM?

career planning is nothing but planning the career it means plan future career. how build our life and career

What is Job design in HRM?

The job design in HRM is mostly administrative. Duties include hiring and firing human resource as well as providing relevant training of staff among other duties.

What tool does the HRM use to assess the knowledge skills abilities experience and career aspirations of the employees within an organization?

The Skills Inventory

Difference between HRM and personal management?

Human resource management and personnel management are basically the same thing with HRM being the more modern version. The differences between them deal with the approach they each take to the same situations with HRM being the more employee friendly model.

Which specialization field of MBA has more scope in Pakistan?

Marketing and hrm

Why is managing workforce diversity an HRM issue?

Managing workforce diversity is a HRM issues because HR is responsible for attracting talent. The more diverse the workforce, the more creative the workforce will be within operations.

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What are the misconceptions of HRM?

What are the Philosophical approaches to hrm?

Philosophical approaches to HRM include humanistic, utilitarian, and ethical perspectives. The humanistic approach emphasizes the value of individuals and their well-being within the organization. The utilitarian approach focuses on maximizing efficiency and outcomes for the organization. The ethical approach centers on making decisions that are morally right and just for all stakeholders involved in HR practices.

What are the advantages human resource management has over personnel management that caused organizational shift towards HRM Practices?

HRM is more flexible than Personnel Management which is rigid. PM sees its workers as a cost rather than an investment. PM is guided by policies and guidelines unlike HRM HRM is proactive while PM is reactive

How do you prepare HRM report to HRM manager?

by using the propetys

Career planning has is an issue of major concern in HRM especially in developing countries why career planning should be a joint responsibility between the employer and employee?

structured exercise undertaken to identify objectives, marketing skills, strengths and weaknesses, etc. , as apart of one's career management.