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The energy output of a star is from nuclear fusion. The particles involved with both input and output are atomic (and sub-atomic) in nature not cellular.

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Q: Which cell is the energy output of a star?
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Is an orange star hotter then a yellow star?

The temperature of a yellow star's photo sphere is hotter than that of and orange star. However the total energy output of an orange star may be greater than that of a yellow star.

Do Hotter stars age more slowly then cooler stars?

The surface temperature is not a reliable indicator about how long a star will last. However, the total energy output is. If a star produces a lot of energy, it will burn through its fuel faster.

What property determines a stars life cycle?

The life cycle of a star is determined primarily by its mass. The hotter a star the bluer its color. The difference between apparent brightness and luminosity is that luminosity is a good indicator of the energy output of a star.

What is absolute bolometric magnitude?

Absolute magnitude is the brightness of an object (star, galaxy, etc.) from a standard distance."Bolometric" means that the entire energy output is calculated - not just visible light.

What are 2 characteristics that affect the temperature of a planet?

Distance from the Sun (for star systems not our own, distance from the primary star(s)) the closer to a star the more energy reaches the planet. Atmospheric composition - how much energy gets to the surface and how much is trapped in. Terrestrial composition; what the solid stuff is made of and how it reacts with stellar/solar energies. Some things reflect light back, others absorb the energy and radiate it back as heat. Also, for planets not around the Sun, the size and energy output (heat) of the star(s) would be factored in. :P

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How are energy and mass related in a star?

The same as everywhere else. Every mass has associated energy. Every energy has associated mass. Possibly this question is about the energy output of stars. Usually, the more mass a star has the higher its rate of energy output.

What is energy output from the surface of a star per second?


What is a supernova and what happens?

A supernova is the catastrophic death of a star, characterized by a massive output of energy.

How does sunlight intensity and the surface area of a solar cell affect it's electrical power output?

The larger the area surface of the solar cell the more energy output is made, because of it has more area so that it can intake more sunlight so therefore it can give more of its energy of more quickly.Most obviously the more sunlight intensity on the solar cell the more energy it given off because sunlight = energyso the more sunlight that has been inputed into the solar cell the more output energy will be given off.

Is an orange star hotter then a yellow star?

The temperature of a yellow star's photo sphere is hotter than that of and orange star. However the total energy output of an orange star may be greater than that of a yellow star.

How do thermodynamics apply to solar cells?

The first law dictates that the power (energy per unit time) output from a solar cell cannot exceed the power of the light landing on it. The second law dictates that the efficiency of the solar cell must be less than 100% no matter how good the cell is - some of the energy will be lost as heat output to the surroundings.

Do Hotter stars age more slowly then cooler stars?

The surface temperature is not a reliable indicator about how long a star will last. However, the total energy output is. If a star produces a lot of energy, it will burn through its fuel faster.

What factor affects the absolute brightness of a star?

Energy output, as absolute brightness (magnitude) is taken at a standard distance of 10 parsecs.

Are habital zones around stars the same?

Not sure what you mean with "the same", but the habitable zone will presumably be closer to the star, or further away, depending on the star's total energy output.

Is energy input usually greater than energy output?

The energy input is always greater than energy output.

How do photodisintegration and neutronization contribute to the demise of a massive star?

Photodisintegration and neutronizatoin both absorb some amount of energy to be carried forth and so contribute to the rapid cooling of the core, which accelerates the collapse of the star, since the reduced energy output disrupts the hydrostatic equilibrium of the star's layers.

How does the sun maintain its energy output?

the sun maintain its energy output by nucler fusion