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Petrarch and Boccaccio lived in the 14th century, a time known as the Late Middle Ages and early Renaissance period. They were important figures in the development of Italian literature and Humanism during this time.

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Q: Which century did the early renaissance writers petrarch and boccaccio lived in?
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The Renaissance is believed to have begun in Italy during the 14th century. The English Renaissance began in the early 16th century, and continued until the early 17th century, focusing more on literature and music than visual arts. It is most characterized by famous writers such as John Milton, William Shakespeare, and Francis Bacon.

Who was the famous medieval scholar of ancient Roman writers?

I believe you're thinking of the early Italian scholar Petrarch. You can see his Wikipedia profile here:

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What did Renaissance write about?

Renaissance writers wrote about political rulers and rulers to expand their power

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Jan Van Eyck, Hubert Van Eyck, Pieter Brueghel, Albrecht Durer, and Hans Holbein the younger.