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Q: Which city became a battleground for intergration of public schools in 1957?
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What is meant by intergration in education?

It means that both public and private schools are guided by one normative standards. that is to say, the government supervises these schools and provides set of rules and regulations. For instance, the rules for the private school is the same with a public school. One cannot quarrel that the government has the authority over these schools.

How did closing schools stopped desegregation?

It didn't stop it. The Supreme Court ruling in 1954 of Brown v School board stopped it. They ruled that separate was not equal and all children were to receive the same education. Some southern schools tried to introduce the idea of vouchers to stop the intergration of schools ( this is where the idea of vouchers came from) because they knew that African American parents wouldn't be able to get the voucher thus making some schools private using public tax dollars. This has since been changed into a " school choice " movement, but essentially the idea was/is to stop the intergration of public schools.

In united states history how did public schools in the south become segregated?

Public schools became segregated in the United States as well as other public places due to the reconstruction amendments collapsing along with the Reconstruction era.

What were the first public schools in Indianapolis?

The first public school in Indianapolis was shortridge middle school although it just became a magnet for law and public polocy.

What was true about Arkansas's Governor Orval Faubus?

He ordered national guard troops to prevent intergration of a public school

In 1970's in Washington DC who became the first black superintendent of schools in a major United States city?

who was the superindent of DC public schools in 1970

How is public school different from non public schools?

In the U.S. public schools are free and non public (private) schools are not. In Great Britain, some schools we in the U.S. would call private schools are called public schools.

Does Switzerland have public schools?

most of the schools are public

Are online schools better than public schools or are public schools easier than online schools why?

The effectiveness of online versus public schools can vary depending on individual preferences, learning styles, and needs. Online schools offer flexibility and personalized learning, whereas public schools provide social interaction and extracurricular opportunities. Both have their advantages and challenges, and the suitability of each option depends on the student's unique circumstances.

Do public schools wear uniform?

Most public schools dont, but in some schools they do.

Are Public Schools Free?

Yes public schools are free.

Are most public schools dangerous for kids?

What you heard about public schools isn't true. Public schools are just as safe as private schools. Public schools depend on the neighborhood. If the school is located in a good neighborhood you have nothing to worry about.