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There are three such codons known as stop codons, which are UAA, UAG, or UGA.

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Uag / uaa / uga

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Nonsense codons

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Q: Which codons are the stop signals?
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The termination codons that serve as stop signals for the protein synthesis is called?

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All except three codons provide codes for amino acids These three codons are used as signals?

Of the 64 codons, the three that do not code for amino acids are stop codons.The stop codons are:TAG in DNA (UAG in mRNA)TAA (UAA)TGA (UGA)They signify the end of the gene, i.e. the end of the segment to be transcribed and translated.

What signals the termination of translation?

a terminator or transcription terminator disrupts the enzyme DNA polymerase. OLSEN BIO STUDENT

What do you mean by stop codons?

a stop codon (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation.Three codons UAG,UAA & UGA are the stop codons, which denotes the end of the protien.

What is the function of a stop condon?

The stop codons (UAA, UAG, UGA) stop the transcription process in forming an amino acid chain and therefore a protein. It signals the end of the chain.

How many start and stop codons are there?

There are 2 stop codons and 2 start codons

What Code specifies the amino acids and start and stop signals with their Codons?

The Code 'alluded to' above is called - and is also known as - The Genetic Code.

How many base amino acids are there?

There are 64 codons (3-base code) that represent 20 amino acids and 3 stop signals. Click on the related link to see a table of DNA codons and the amino acids for which they code.


UAA, UAG, UGA are the 3 stop codons in the genetic code. Stop codons don't code for an amino acid because they cannot be recognized by a tRNA.

When does translation end?

Translation ends when a stop codon is reached. The stop codons are: * UAA * UAG * UGA

Does every codon represent an amino acid?

No, not every codon represents an amino acid. There are several codons known as "stop" codons (UGA, UAA, UAG) that do not code for an amino acid; instead they code for the termination of translation.

Why must stop codons be present on DNA molecules?

stop codons signify the end of a polypeptide. They're like a period at the end of a sentance.