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No, not every codon represents an amino acid. There are several codons known as "stop" codons (UGA, UAA, UAG) that do not code for an amino acid; instead they code for the termination of translation.

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No; stop codons and start codons code for the start and stop of translation.

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Q: Does every codon represent an amino acid?
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There can only be one what for every codon?

There can only be one amino acid for every codon. Tryptophan and Methionine are the types of amino acids that correspond to codon.

What Is used to represent a specific amino acid in the process of translation?

A codon.

If one base coded for one amino acid what is the maximum number of codes there will be?

There are 21 amino acids found in eukaryotes. Three bases represent a codon, and each codon codes for one amino acid.

Each codon calls for a specific?

amino acid

How do nucleotides translate into amino acids?

A codon of nucleotides codes for an amino acid. The combination of nucleotides in a codon determines the amino acid the codon makes.

Is tryptophan the starting codon for mRNA?

No, tryptophan is an amino acid, not a codon. The start codon is AUG, which codes for the amino acid methionine.

Do stop codon have an amino acid?

A stop codon (UGA, UAA, UAG) only codes for a stop. No amino acid results from a stop codon.

How many amino acids does a codon contain?

One amino acid per codon!

Which amino acid is coded by the DNA codon TAC?

It is a triplet of bases (codon) coding for the amino acid tyrosine

What do 3 nucleotides represent?

Three nucleotide represent a codon, which, when translated from mRNA to tRNA, codes for a particular amino acid in a polypeptide chain.

What are codon and anticodons?

Codon = 3 amino acid sequence found on mRNA. Anti codon = 3 amino acid sequence found on tRNA.The codons are for the traslation of mRNa to an amino acid sequence by using ribosomes.

For any codon there can only be one?

There is only one corresponding amino acid for each codon. Each codon codes specifically for one amino acid (however, an amino acid can be coded for by several different codons). For example: CAU codes for Histamine (and not any other amino acid) But, CAC also codes for Histamine.