

Best Answer

Wal-Mart employs more than 2 million worldwide, including more than 1.4 million in the United States.

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Q: Which company has the largest number of employees serving in the military Possible answers include Lockheed Martin WalMart UPS and Home Depot.?
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Which company has the most military employees Home Depot Walmart Lockheed Martin or United Parcel Service?


What company has the most employees?

Walmart - 2.1 million employees In the Forbes Rich List, Walmart was mentioned as having 2 million employees.

Home many people at walmart telecommute?

The employees of Walmart are not known to telecommute. About 5% of Walmart employees that work on-site at the headquarters are allowed to telecommute. Employees who work in retail are required to work within the Walmart stores.

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What is the percentage of wal-mart employees shop at wal-mart?

I don't know that, but I do know that 80% of Walmart employees can't even afford to shop at Walmart

Why do Walmart employees wear blue?

Because the Walmart logo is blue, thus the vest color.

How much employees does WalMart have in the world?


Who is the largest private employer?

Walmart is often considered the largest private employer in the world, with millions of employees globally.

How many employees per square foot in a grocery store?

There are many employees that work in grocery stores. Large grocery stores may have up to 100 employees, while small grocery stores may have up 50 employees.

What are the responsibilities of a human resource manager at walmart?

A human resource manager that works at Walmart may be responsible for hiring employees. They can also be responsible for handling conflicts between employees.

What is retail hourly pay for Walmart employees?

Walmart's average employee makes about $8.80 per hour.

What day do walmart employees get paid on?

every other thursday!