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Q: Which concept of Buddhism does the Buddhist's actions illustrate?
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Which concept of Buddhism do the convert's actions illustrate A. Nirvana B. Prajna C. Samadhi D. Sila?

The ANSWER IS (SILA) for apex

What do Buddhists say before dinner?

Probably "Dinner's ready". The concept of a grace "Thanking god" is not a Buddhist concept partly due to the fact that there is no deity in Buddhism.

Who is the Savior for the religion Buddhism?

Buddhists do not worship any person or deity, including The Buddha. Therefore the concept of a Savior that needs to be an intermediary between a person and god in order to purify or redeem that person is not a concept present in Buddhism. Therefore there is no Savior and none is needed for Buddhism.

Gautama is a reincarnation of what god?

Gautama is not considered a reincarnation of a god. He is the historical figure who became known as the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Buddhists do not believe in a supreme god or the concept of reincarnation as the transfer of a fixed individual soul or identity. Instead, they believe in the cycle of rebirth based on the concept of karma.

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In what ways did Buddhism differ from Hinduism at the time that Buddhism first emerged in India?

Hinduism is a religion that based on the concept of God. But Buddhism is not based on this concept. According to them, gods are a kind of powerful aliens but not deathless. Buddhism was a philosophy based on the concept of cause and effect. Later, some followers of Buddhism converted it to a religion.

Is Atman a concept of Buddhism?

No. It is Hindu.

What is the Buddhism path to salvtion?

There is no concept similar to the Christian concept of salvation in Buddhism. The goal of Buddhists is to attain enlightenment, which can be explained as understanding fully the workings of the universe and liberation of desires and suffering. When one attain enlightenment they can then chose, upon their death, to either return to help others attain enlightenment or to remain in one of the pure abodes (something akin to being one with everything).

What does the Buddha do when he tels us about evil?

"Evil" is not really a Buddhist concept. The implication of evil that some deity has defined what he/she/it feels is correct and those apposing that standard are evil. In Buddhism there is no deity to make this mandata. Actions in Buddhism are seen as progressing an individuals experience towards enlightenment. Hurtful actions, to oneself and to others, hinder this progress.

What religions are like Hinduism?

Jainism & Buddhism are similar to Hinduism.As all three have the concept of "Karma"(i.e each person has to face the consequences of his actions in the present birth or future births).

What buddhists beliefs about god?

Buddhists do not believe in an omniscient being who created and controls the world. The Buddha left the question "what caused the world to come into existence" unanswered, along with a handful of other questions. In some schools of Buddhism, there is belief of supernatural beings, spirits and the like, but they are impermanent just as ourselves, and therefore not god-like. Buddhism does support non-duality of the universe, and some parallels can be drawn between the oneness of the world and the idea of God.

What is the Buddhist definition of holy?

The concept does not apply in Buddhism.