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Q: Which condition occurs when the eyeball is too long?
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What condition occurs when the eyeball is too long?


What is the Medical term meaning the eyeball is too long from front to back?

When the eyeball is not round, whether it be too long, or too short, it is called astigmatism.

When too much aqueous humor is produced and fluid pressure builds up in the eyeball's the condition is called?

When too much aqueous humor is produced and fluid pressure builds up in the eyeball, the condition is called

What if your lens of your eyes are a bit too strong and your eyeball is a bit too long?

myopic or nearsighted.

When too much aqueous humor is produced and fluid pressure builds up in the eyeball?

When too much aqueous humor is produced and fluid pressure builds up in the eyeball, the condition is called

If the eyeball is too long images are focused in front of the retina and the result is?

When the light actually reaches the retina the image is blurred (except when looking at close objects when the image is focused on the retina and looks clear. The condition is known as short-sightedness.

What types of physiologic myopia are there?

may include refractive myopia (the cornea and lens-bending properties are too strong) and axial myopia (the eyeball is too long)

Which condition occurs when the detrusor muscle in the wall of the bladder is too active?

Overactive bladder

What is the medical term meaning condition where feces remain in the colon too long?

Constipation is the medical term meaning condition where feces remain in the colon too long

Who does hypothermia affect?

Hypothermia is a condition that has the potential to affect everyone. This is a condition that happens when the body gets too cold for too long.

What sickness will you get if it is too hot?

You might get heat stroke, which occurs if you stay out in the sun too long.

What is hyopoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia (US English) or hypoglycaemia (UK English) is a condition that occurs when your blood sugar (glucose) is too low.