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Q: Which countries allow you to adopt at 21 years of age?
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Can I adopt 20 years old child currently living in US in chicago US?

There is not a way to adopt a person at the age of 20. After the age of 18 they are considered an adult.

Can you adopt when you are 54 years old and married to 46 year old woman?

Yes, you can adopt at any age above 18

What is the legal voting and driving age in most Latin American countries?

The legal voting age in most Latin American countries is 18 years old. However, there are a few exceptions such as Brazil and Nicaragua where the voting age is 16. The legal driving age varies more, with most countries setting it at 16 or 17 years old, but some countries like Argentina and Uruguay allow driving as early as 14 or 15 with restrictions.

Can a seventeen year old adopt a sixteen year old?

No, a minor cannot adopt another minor. And most jurisdictions don't allow adoption under the age of 21.

Which countries have children available for international adoption?

We are adopting from China. I have heard that Guatemala, Russia, India and Vietnam also adopt out internationally. Many, many countries have children available for intercountry adoption. For a few years Vietnam put a ban on it, but recently lifted this ban. Some countries are very particular about who can adopt. For example Korea insists that you meet certain weight requirements! If you are over 30% of the ideal weight for someone of your height they won't consider you. Other countries won't allow you to adopt: * unless you can prove you are infertile * if you have been divorced more than once * if you have more than a certain number of children already in your home Your age is also important depending on your preference for the child's age. Generally, the older you are, the older the child you will be eligible for. Answer>>>>>> My teacher is adopting a baby from India.

What is the age a child can make their own decisions in Pennsylvania?

I think that in any state you must be 18 years of age to adopt a child. However, your state may have laws about the requirements you need to adopt a child.

Is it okay to adopt a toy poodle at the age of 4 years?

Yes! Toy poodles are expected to live about 10-14 years.

What are some good websites that offer information on adoption? Please go onto: ASK THESE QUESTIONS: How many adoptions are there in the U.S.; what age brackets for adoption are most sought after?; Can a single person adopt a child?; Can gay people adopt a child?; At what age can you adopt a child?; What agencies are there in the U.S. to adopt children?; Can going through a lawyer to adopt a child be quicker?; What other countries will allow you to adopt a child and what is the process? This will give you a good start on it. As you ask google each question it will lead you into further information regarding adoption. Good luck

What is the age for adulthood?

It varies according to a countries legislation. It is 18 years in many countries

If I'm 18 years old can someone still adopt me?

When you are 18, you are an adult by law and no one can adopt you legally.

What age is it to drink in most countries?

18 years and above

Can a 20 years boy in us can be adopted?

At the age of 20 I feel it is to late to adopt anybody anywhere in the work=ld.