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There was an Anschluss (Joining together) with Austria. The Occupation of the Sudetenland, an area of Czechoslovakia populated by Germans, Followed by the occupation of Czechoslovakia itself & then Poland. He had also re militarised the Rhineland, that is move part of his army into the area between the R Rhine & France, which contravened the Versailles treaty.

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Q: Which countries did Hitler invade before World War 2?
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Hitler invaded Poland before World War 2 started and it was the reason many countries declared war against Germany.

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Most probably because, if Hitler or the Nazi's invaded the Vatican city there would be a world wide backlash and retaliation from Roman Catholic Countries and other Christain Countries

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Germany was very strong under Hitler. People had jobs and the economy was good. The only problem was that Hitler kept invading other countries. Hitler hindered Germany because he tried to invade too many countries. He tried to go to war with most of the world.

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The Japanese shared similar feelings to Hitler. Invade now, Think later. The Japanese wanted to invade the world with Hitler, so it would be common sense to think that they had a feeling of pure hatred toward the rest of Asia, and indeed the world.

Where did Hitler send the troops before World War 2?

Hitler first sent troops to: Occupy the Rhineland Auchess with Austria Annex Czechoslovakia & Invade Poland (Which Started World War Two)

Why Hitler tried to invade Britain for kids?

He nearly wanted to take over the whole world, he had invaded quite a lot of countries and Britain was next!

What contrius did Hitler invade before world war 2 started?

It wouldn't be class as an "invasion" but Hitler took control of the Rhineland, Sudetenland He allied with Austria n 1938.

What country did Hitler invade when World War 2 had started?

Hitler invaded poland when WW2 started

What did Hitler promise after the treaty?

In 1938, Hitler promised not to invade Poland, then in 1939, he did, and World War Two began.