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Q: Which countries voted for Palestine to be a state?
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Which two countries were created out of the British Mandate of Palestine?

It's complicated.Two countries were not "created". The United Nations allowed for two states, a Jewish State and an Arab State to declare independence in Mandatory Palestine in 1947. The Jewish State jumped at the opportunity and declared independence as Israel in 1948. The Arab State did not declare independence until 1988 in exile (Tunisia) and this is Palestine.

What is the population of State of Palestine?

State of Palestine's population is 4,260,636.

What four countries does Palestine include?

Palestine is one country with (currently) two governments and a foreign military occupation. Historic Palestine is made of two countries: Israel and Palestine.

What countries voted against the Palestine Statehood resolution at the UN?

There are two things in operation here, which make this question a little difficult to understand.There have been a few attempts in the UN Security Council to officially recognize the State of Palestine since 2011. All of them have failed because of the US veto in the Security Council, but other states, like Australia, which do not have vetos, have also voted against the measure. There were other countries, like the UK or Lithuania which abstained.There was the UN General Assembly Resolution 67/19 which was passed on 29 November 2012 which upgraded Palestine to non-member observer state status in the United Nations (from its prior status of being an observer entity). It also allowed the "Palestinian Authority" to rename itself in UN correspondence and official nomenclature as the "State of Palestine". Since there are no vetos in the General Assembly, the majority of votes carries and this resolution received the majority of the votes. Those who voted against this resolution in upgrading Palestine's status include: Canada,the Czech Republic, Micronesia, Israel, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Panama, and the United States of America. 41 other countries abstained. To see the exact results of the voting, click here.

Should israel and palestine will be divided into two separate independent state?

Palestine was divided into two countries because two religion had it Muslim Arabs and Jews in Europe that why they divide it.

What are the four middle eastern countries of ancient Palestine?

Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria are the four modern countries that have territory from Ancient Palestine.

Why states of Kurdistan and Hong Kong and Palestine for example are not countries and they are states?

In case of Palestine people still don't know if it is a country or state!, United Nation is really absurd in this case

What is the area of State of Palestine?

The area of State of Palestine is 6,020 square kilometers.

When was State of Palestine created?

State of Palestine was created on 1988-11-15.

Which two countries border egypt?

Actually, Egypt is bordered by 3 countries, Libya, North Sudan, and Israel. Or 4, if you count Palestine as an independent state.

Does Palestine have the right to be independent?

It depends. The State of Palestine is currently not a sovereign nation and is not a member of the UN, although was recently granted non-membership observation status. The State of Palestine will not join the United Nations, as the United States, among other possible countries, will veto any attempt. This is because these Western nations are Allies of Israel, the State of Palestine's main enemy. The State of Palestine has been conflicting with Israel over sovereignty and land since the formation of Israel in 1948. Even if the US did not veto Palestine's admission to the UN, which is definitely not likely, Palestine wouldn't be able to join because its borders are not even close to being clearly defined. Israel has occupied the State of Palestine for almost 60 years.

How much countries there are in the world?

There are 195 countries in the world, including 193 member states of the United Nations and 2 observer states (the Holy See and the State of Palestine).