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Aleksandr Orlov originated from Russia

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Q: Which country does Aleksandr the meerkat from the compare the market adverts come from?
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Who is the voice of Aleksandr the meerkat from compare the

Simon Greenall

What was the intention of the Compare the Meerkat advertising campaign?

The intention of the Compare the Meerkat advertising campaign was to differentiate itself from its competitors though the use of a play on words. They introduced the character Aleksandr Orlov as a warm, lovable character that was instantly memorable.

Why is 'compare the meerkat' so amazingly amazing?

Sergei is a very clever meerkat, so he managed to make people want to compare meerkats. Aleksandr has very good advertising skills, so people want to compare meerkats even more! Also because it makes 'compare the muskrat' seem awful

Is there going to be a compare the meerkat film?

Yes, a film based on the "Compare the Meerkat" advertising campaign is in development. The film will likely follow the adventures of the popular meerkat character, Aleksandr Orlov, and his meerkat friends.

Is peter jurassik the voice of Alexandra meerkat?

No, Simon Greenall is the voice of the meerkat Aleksandr Orlov.

Where did Aleksandr Orlov originate from?

Aleksandr Orlov originated from the Russian mountains and travelled across Europe to get to Britain before creating his own website called compare that Meerkat. He couldn't of done this without his partner Sergei.

What does the meerkat say in the compare the meerkat advert?

Simples !

Where can you get an Aleksandr the meerkat cuddly toy?

I've made some Aleksandr look-a-like toys and I'm selling them on eBay as a charity fundraiser. Just enter Aleksandr Meerkat Compare the Meerkat to see if you like them. The only official Aleksandr the meekat talking dolls have been commissioned by Harrods. All of these are being donated to selected children's charities including the Evelina Children's Hospital at Guy's and St Thomas' hospital. This charity will be giving almost all the toys to children who have to stay in hospital over Christmas but a very limited number will be auctioned on Ebay to raise vital funds for specialist equipment at the Evelina Children's Hospital that will benefit many hundreds of sick children. To bid for one of these official Aleksandr toys search under "Limited Edition Aleksandr the Meerkat" on

What is the surname of aleksandr the meerkat?

Aleksandr doesn't have a surname (as of yet; nobody can tell what the scriptwriters may come up with).

Where can you download compare the meerkat advertisement?

you can download it from youtube

Is compare the meerkat com a real website?

yes ... it is really cool... but there is a lot of advertising The best part is searching for your meerkat :)

Can you compare the

yes u can compare the meerkat go here