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Q: Which country does fair-trade help most?
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Related questions

What is the biggest Fairtrade country?

UK is the country consuming the most Fair Trade products.

How you can help fairtrade?

by buying fairtrade products

How can fairtrade help?

by buying fairtrade products

How does fairtrade affect the UK?

It probably has little effect on the UK, financially, but may help the country's reputation abroad.

How much do you help when you buy fairtrade?

we can help by

Is coffee fairtrade?

Fair trade coffee is obviously Fair trade, but not all coffee is fairtrade. Look for the fairtrade mark on products, to help you find things that are fairtrade. hope this helped

How does fairtrade help farmers or growers?

because to help other peope

Where does fairtrade sugar come from?

Fairtrade sugar comes from Kasinthula Cane Growers which is located in Malawi. This country is one of the poorest in Africa.

How has fairtrade been introduced to the country Ghana?

because they are in africa lololololololololol

What are the Benefits of fairtrade?

all gone around 60 parts of the country

Why is fairtrade good?

fairtrade is good because people who sell it dont get enough money to buy other crops

What does Fairtrade International do?

The goal of Fairtrade International is to help those in poverty. The movement strives to ensure that these people get a fair income in return for their work.