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Fairtrade sugar comes from Kasinthula Cane Growers which is located in Malawi. This country is one of the poorest in Africa.

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Q: Where does fairtrade sugar come from?
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By how much did the amount of Fairtrade sugar sold in the UK increase between 2006 and 2008?

Unfortunatly, the Fairtrade sugar industry has suffered a serious blow with the economic situation. Because of this, many past importers of Fairtrade Sugar have cancelled orders, resulting in a 2.567% decrease in sales.

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they come from India

How much is fairtrade sugar?

Prices vary but it's usually only slightly higher than any other sugar.

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What is fairtrade fortnight?

fairtrade fortnight is a two week celebration for fairtrade

Where does fairtrade honey come from?

from the uk and tutty

How do you support fairtrade?

buy fairtrade

How you can help fairtrade?

by buying fairtrade products

Who uses Fairtrade?

anyone can use fairtrade

How can fairtrade help?

by buying fairtrade products

What can you do to support fairtrade?

Buy Fairtrade food such as coffee, tea and bananas and always give Fairtrade Gifts when you can.