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France and the United States both had significant conflict leading to more democratic political orders and societies. In England, democracy evolved out of the unwritten constitution and various acts of Parliament over the years- there was no revolution

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Q: Which country had a revolution the led the rise of democracy?
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The Age of Revolutions brought on by liberalism, called for freedom and equality which led to the rise of democracy.

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The Russian revolution led to the rise of the Soviet Union

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In 1821 Mexico led the revolution against the country of Spain. This conflict is known as the Mexican War of Independence.

Which of the followings describes a difference between the french revolution and the American revolution?

Answer this question… The French Revolution eventually led to the rise of a powerful dictator, while the American Revolution created a lasting republic.

What country's revolution led to Napoleon being emperor?

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It inspired the French Revolution, which eventually led to Napoleon's rise to power.

What factors led to the rise of democracy in some European countries?

ok...some of the factors that led to the rise of democracy in some european countries were .......persuasion of making a better future and plus they had no other choice because everything was damaged and ruined and that was the only oppurtunity they had knocking on their door so opened the door and took what was offered to them

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The Chindia revolution is the globalization revolution that has been taking place in China and India since the 1990's. This revolution has led to a new middle class in those countries as wages rise.

How did the french revolution change democracy?

The French Revolution didnt contribute to rise of democracy because after all they did they went back to kings power the king got all the power again so it didnt really help it was just a disaster people angry.

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The practice of outsourcing jobs to cut costs