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Technically the United States did, but at the time the USSR, and the US were sending many lunar vehicles, satellites, and other items to the moon.

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Q: Which country had first flag on the moon?
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What was the flag of which country was first placed on the moon?

I think USA. or, if not, Russia

When was the U.S. flag first flown on the moon?

We landed on the moon and placed a flag there July 1969. By putting the flag there we were claiming that part of the moon for the United States. This tradition goes back centuries to the first explorers claiming lands for their country. Today, the flag is still on the moon and just as good as it was the day it was placed . On the moon there is no wind or rain to cause damage.

When was the U.S flag first flown on the moon?

We landed on the moon and placed a flag there July 1969. By putting the flag there we were claiming that part of the moon for the United States. This tradition goes back centuries to the first explorers claiming lands for their country. Today, the flag is still on the moon and just as good as it was the day it was placed . On the moon there is no wind or rain to cause damage.

Where was the first flag on the moon from?

The United States of America. The USA made 6 trips to the moon. No other country has done that yet.

What flag was put on the moon?

It was American Flag that was first ever put on the moon.

What country's flag has a crescent moon with 1 star?

Turkey's flag has a crescent moon and one star.

When was the first flag on the moon?

Neil Armstrong placed the first flag on the moon in 1969 on July 20.

What country's flag has a crescent moon and a star on it?


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Did China see the American flag on the moon?

Neither China not any other country has yet BEEN to the moon to see the flag at the landing site.

What year did Neil Armstrong put the first flag on the moon?

The year Neil Armstrong put the flag on the moon was in 1969.