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Australia has the most poisonous plants, spiders, snakes and other creatures. Some poisonous things in Australia are black widow spider, Stone fish (almost impossible to see), blue ringed Octopus, some Snails, Lionfish, Scorpionfish, Box Jelly Fish, Brown Snake and Copperhead Snake. In Australia there are more than a 190 different species of snakes, 22 species are at least as deadly as an Indian cobra and, of these, 16 are much more deadly - one (which luckily lives well off the beaten path) is the world's most lethal snake.

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Australia is often considered to have the most poisonous living things, including snakes, Spiders, jellyfish, and certain insects. The country is home to numerous venomous species that can be harmful to humans.

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Q: Which country has the most poisonous living things?
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What country has the most number of HIV victims?

As of 2021, the country with the highest number of people living with HIV is South Africa.

What is the most populous country in Western Europe?

The most populous nation in Western Europe is Germany, with an estimated population of 82.3 million* people. In second place is France with 61.5 million*, followed closely by the UK (60.9 million*) and Italy (58.1 million*). (*Source

How do people in Switzerland earn a living?

People in Switzerland earn a living through a variety of industries such as banking, finance, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and tourism. The country has a strong focus on innovation, high-quality products, and services which contribute to its high standard of living. Many Swiss residents are employed in skilled professions, and the country also benefits from a well-developed social welfare system.

What is the most significant threat to the relatively high standard of living people are accustomed to in the US?

One of the most significant threats to the high standard of living in the US is income inequality, which can lead to disparities in access to resources and opportunities. Another major threat is the rising cost of healthcare, which can negatively impact individuals' financial well-being. Additionally, challenges such as climate change and technological disruption can also pose risks to the country's standard of living.

Is Switzerland a poor country?

No, Switzerland is not a poor country. It is known for its high standard of living, strong economy, and wealth management services. Switzerland consistently ranks among the top countries in terms of nominal GDP per capita.

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