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Gay people were not invented. There have always been gay and bisexual people, in every culture, since the dawn of humanity. Homosexuality is not a choice. It's something you're born with.

However, as the Wikipedia entry for the Greek island of Lesbos states: "The meaning of the word 'lesbian' derives from the poems of Sappho, who was born in Lesbos. The poems contain powerful emotional content directed toward other women and have frequently been interpreted as expressing same-sex love. It is due to this association that Lesbos and especially the town of Eresos, her birthplace, are visited frequently by lesbian tourists."

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6y ago

Gay people were not invented. They have been around since people have been around.

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Q: Which country invented gay people
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What country has many gay people?

The country with the largest number of gay people is China. However, the majority of gay citizens of China are closeted.

Which country do gay first started?

There have been gay people long before there were countries. The first "country" in the world, whatever that was, would have had gay people in it.

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Well I don't see how a country can be 'gay', but if you're talking about the people in it, then there's gay people all over the world. In every country there's a gay person.

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It varies by country. Some countries do not give gay people equal rights.

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Yes, there have always been gay people in every country.

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It depends on which country you are talking about, but yes, gay people do get married.

Are French guys gay?

Yes. Some French guys are gay, since there are gay people in every country.

Who invented country's?

country people and it just evolved overtime since the 1780s

How many gay people are in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh is an anti-gay country, where if caught, gay people face life in prison. Therefore, virtually all gay people in Bangladesh are closeted, making it impossible to count them.