

Best Answer

Syria offers many exciting activities for young thrill seekers, such as virtual paint balling, weapons usage facilities and alterain vehicle driving courses across towns and small settlements. Why not soak up the sun in the beautiful crumbled cities of the recent past there are also many enrolement groups in the cities especially suited to young men with a keen interest in exciting and dynamic acyivities, So why not give Syria a go! you wont have chance to regret it!

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Q: Which country is best for abroad?
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That's abroad if you're living in another country. That's home for the French.

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abroad is the word for to be outside one's own country

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Today in our country no site have such provision of publishing abroad university results except few sites. I think best site to see regarding university results where present in abroad to

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Ireland is abroad if you aren't from Ireland. Abroad only means outside of your own country.

What is the definition of abroad?

In a foreign country

Is it important for the us to have a positive image overseas?

I believe we are all ambassadors for our country when we are abroad. It is our job as citizens to represent our country when we are abroad. remember what the great JFK said. " Do not ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

What is abroad?

it means that you are living in Another Country, eg: If you live in the USA and you decide to live in Holland, this means you will be living abroad. the same goes for people living in Holland and they want to live in England, they are going abroad.

When getting married abroad how do you register your marriage in California?

Good question. In general, marriages which are legally performed and valid abroad are also legally valid in the United States. The embassy or tourist information bureau of the country in which the marriage will happen is the best source of information about marriage in that country.

Why did rizal study abroad?

Jose Rizal studied abroad because the educational system abroad was far more better than that of his own country, the Philippines. Abroad, he will have more chances of learning and adapting better education so that when he comes back in his own country, the knowledge he gained can be used to help his country men.

What is the demand of a instrumentation engineer in abroad?

"Abroad" is not very well-defined if we don't know what country you live in.