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i would have to say usa, china and Brazil.

although china does not look that way ,it makes most of the clothes in the fashion should know about the usa.

Brazil makes very nice clothes and have very beautiful women.

anyway the winner is usa because it imports lots of clothes and place them into malls.

^^ the above answer comes from a fashion invalid. I wouldn't place any of those countries in my top 20. If we're generalising, i'd say any western European country. Being a bit more specific, France for high end/boutique fashion and England for affordable and Stylish Fashion. I went to England last year and everyone there just looks good. As though they've all had their clothes picked out by a designer. It really depressed me when i got back to America and couldn't find any of the stores they had in Europe. In other words, the US is really behind in fashion I think (Except New York and parts of LA)

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Q: Which country is the most fashionable?
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