

Which country started the Georgia colony?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The country that started Georgia was England ,it was formed so it would stop the advance of Spain's Florida colony.

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Q: Which country started the Georgia colony?
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Oglethorpe started Georgia Colonly because it was for poor people from England

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The official name for the colony of Georgia was the Province of Georgia. General James Oglethorpe received a charter from George II in 1732. The colony was named after King George. Oglethorpe started the colony as a haven for debtors.

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England made Georgia colony to be a front line colony to defend against Spanish attack.

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The colony of Georgia started out as a proprietary colony before becoming a crown colony in 1755. It featured the General Assembly (the upper house of legislation) and the Commons House of Assembly (the lower house of legislation).

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James Oglethorpe.

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Is Georgia an English colony?

There are 3 Georgia country. One is in america which black people speaks English and another Georgia country in Asia speaks Georgian language,not English.