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Q: Which cow breed produces highest percent of butterfat in milk?
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Which breed of dairy cattle produces the most butterfat?


Does guernsey produce the most butterfat?

No. You've got this confused with the Jersey, which is the breed that produces milk with the most butterfat.

What does 1 percent milk fat mean?

It means that the amount of butterfat in that milk, or milk product is 1% of the total volume of the product. It qualifies as "low fat". As it comes from the cow - depending on the breed of cow - milk is 4% to 5% butterfat.

What is the best dairy breed for milking?

This is subjective. Each breed have certain characteristic. Depending on your needs, and the final product(s) you are looking for will help you decide which breed is best for you. Another issue is that depending on your location and whether or not the milk is for you family or a commercial operation will dictate the range of dairy or dual-purpose breeds you have to choose from. As far as milk quality Jersey cows are favored for their high butterfat, docile nature and are generally don't have problems when giving birth. Lately people have been breeding them larger and for greater milk production with less emphasis on butterfat. You also have Ayrshires which have moderate butterfat and are a hardy breed.

What breed produces the most milk fat?

Jerseys are the breed that produces the most milk fat, they are known to have 5.1% milk fat compared to the Holstein breed that only has 3.7 % milk fat.

What cow gives a yellower milk?

Certain breeds of cows typically have a higher butterfat content in their milk, resulting in a "more yellow" color. One such breed is the Guernsey.

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A cow is a cow. Milk is milk. Quantity and butterfat content will vary with each breed. Black angus is a breed. Drink Up!

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