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Q: Which cranial nerve in responsible for the reflex constriction of the pupil in response to light and accomodation?
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Which cranial nerve is responsible for your tears?

V is responsible for tear reflex in response to cornea irritation, VII has a parasympathetic branch responsible for emotional tears.

Which cranial nerves is responsible for olfaction?

The olfactory nerve which is also cranial nerve number 1 is responsible for the sense of olfaction.

What is the cranial cranial nerve responsible for?

equilibrium, taste, tears, and tongue movement

Is the response of your pupil a reflex or a voluntary action?

The constriction of pupils in response to bright light is called the pupillary light reflex. If the light is shining directly into one eye, then the pupil in that eye will constrict (a direct response), but so will the pupil in the non-illuminated eye (a consensual response).This reflex involves two cranial nerves: the optic nerve, which senses the light, and the oculomotor nerve, which constricts both pupils. It is considered involuntary since you don't think about it.

What cranial nerve is responsible for transmitting visual information?

Cranial Nerve 2 - Optic Nerve

What is the difference between a spinal reflex and a cranial reflex?

A cranial reflex is one that is controlled by one of the cranial nerves and tend to take place in the facial or head area. These can include reflexes like the constriction of the pupils in response to light, etc. A spinal reflex, on the other hand, is a reflex that involves only the spinal nerves and is not processed by the brain. An example is the patellar reflex, like when the doctor hits your knee and it reflexively moves. Hope this helps! :)

Which one is cranial nerves 2?

Cranial nerve number 2 is the optic nerve, responsible for most of the sensation of sight.

What cranial nerve controls the response of the illuminated eye?

If the light is shining directly into one eye, then the pupil in that eye will constrict (a direct response), but so will the pupil in the non-illuminated eye (a consensual response). This reflex involves two cranial nerves: the optic nerve, which senses the light, and the oculomotor nerve, which constricts both pupils.

Which cranial nerve will help you blink your eyes?

The third cranial nerve, the oculomotor is responsible for blinking and most other eyelid movement.

Which cranial nerve is responsible for regulating visceral activity?

Spinal accessory

What is cranial reflex?

A cranial reflex is a fast, involuntary response to a stimulus. It uses the brain stem as an integrating center (the brain receives sensory information and generates a response). This is contrasted to a spinal reflex, when the response is generated in the spinal cord itself, and the brain only finds out a reflex has occurred after the fact.An example of a cranial reflex would be the tracking movements of your eyes as you are reading this sentence. The dilation and contraction of your pupils in response to different levels of light is another cranial reflex.--------------An example of a spinal reflex would be standing on a pin or touching a hot object.

What Cranial nerve is equilibrium and hearing?

The cranial nerve responsible for hearing and equilibrium is vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII). It originates from between the pons and medulla.